Prohibited Activities

  1. By opening a CoinCorner account, you expressly agree that you will not engage, accept or initiate payments in connection with the following businesses, items, activities or practices (‘Prohibited Activities’) set out below. If you are uncertain as to what constitutes a Prohibited Activity, please contact us.
  2. Unlawful Activity: Any unlawful action that would constitute a violation or would assist in the violation of including but not limited to any law, regulation, statue or order in the Isle of Man, the United Kingdom and any territory in which CoinCorner Services are available.
  3. Fraudulent Purpose: Any fraudulent activity, including, but not limited to trading in insolvency, any attempt to defraud, extort, misrepresent or provide misleading and inaccurate information to any person including CoinCorner and CoinCorner customers.
  4. Intellectual Property Violations: Dealing in counterfeit products or any product or service that infringes upon the intellectual property of any third party. Including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent or trade secrets.
  5. Prohibited substances: The sale or purchase or in any way dealing in drugs, drug paraphernalia, or any substances designed to mimic illegal drugs.
  6. Illegal adult content and services: Accessing, sale or purchase or in any other way dealing in illegal adult content and services, including but not restricted to images of abuse and other harmful content.
  7. Terrorism. The support of or funding of terrorism or any terrorist organisation in contravention of the Isle of Man Anti-terrorism and Crime Act 2003
  8. High Risk financial or business activity.
  9. Sanctions: The transfer of bitcoin to or from your CoinCorner account to or from any wallet controlled by an individual or entity on the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, HM Treasury, ‘consolidated list of financial targets in the UK’.

Last updated: 24th May 2018